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How a ‘Brit’ has become a ‘frog’

My book is titled "Rebirth" ("Renaissance" in French), and its closing chapter brings me to Lyon, France, in late August 2018—a new man, reborn.

This rebirth followed the darkest days of my life: the devastating loss of my first wife to cancer and the collapse of our business in late 2016. In the wake of that grief, I embarked on a journey I could never have foreseen. Instead of sinking into despair, I found myself taking a radically different path. After only a short period of reflection, I made the decision to leave London behind. I packed my bags, got on my motorbike, and set off on what I hoped would be an enlightening ride around the world. My entrepreneurial spirit was still alive, and I fully expected to find a new business venture along the way, perhaps even a new country to call home.

But life, in its infinite unpredictability, had something entirely different in store for me. I had never imagined, in even my wildest dreams, that I would find someone to love again—someone with whom I could share my life and grow old together.

What I should have remembered, however, is that life is full of unexpected twists and turns, especially when you journey with an open heart and mind. When you allow yourself to be vulnerable to the world, engage with the people and experiences that cross your path, and greet life with a smile, the universe tends to smile back.

It was this mindset that brought me to a little restaurant in Cassis, near Marseille, just five weeks into my trip. I was alone, enjoying a quiet meal when Dalila walked in. She was smiling, and before long, she invited me to join her group of friends. That simple gesture was the spark that lit the fire of our story. Cupid's arrow struck the next day, though neither of us realized it at the time. But soon enough, love hearts were flying back and forth in our WhatsApp messages.

One year later, we were married on the sun-soaked beaches of Tulum, Mexico, even before I had completed my ride around the world. Dalila, with her patience and unwavering support, stood by me through it all.

It was during this chapter of my life that I began the process of becoming a Frenchman—a journey of bureaucracy, baguettes, and blending cultures. I filled in form after form, had documents translated, learnt the language, registered for what seemed like an endless list of necessities, and, of course, dutifully bought my daily baguette. Meanwhile, I was searching for my next venture, trying to rekindle that entrepreneurial spark. Reluctantly I had to admit that the ideas were not flowing as I had hoped. Instead, it was Dalila’s suggestion that changed the course of my professional life: "Why not teach English to business students?" she said. And just like that, a new chapter began.

The journey to becoming a French citizen wasn’t without its challenges. We navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the Préfecture, facing the intimidating task of securing a titre de séjour—and repeating the process annually. But we pressed on, and eventually, we set our sights on the ultimate goal: French citizenship.

More than a year later, that dream became a reality. Today, I proudly carry my French carte d’identité and passport, nestled side by side with my British one—a tangible reminder of the incredible journey I’ve been on, from the depths of loss to the heights of love and renewal.

French passeport. My first. As yet unused.

United Kingdom passport. Well used. Full of visas and rubbber stamps. Stiil vaild.

Comment un « Brit » est devenu une « grenouille ».

Mon livre s'intitule "Renaissance" ("Rebirth" en anglais), et son dernier chapitre m'amène à Lyon, en France, fin août 2018—un homme nouveau, renaissant.

Cette renaissance a suivi les jours les plus sombres de ma vie : la perte dévastatrice de ma première épouse, emportée par le cancer, et l’effondrement de notre entreprise à la fin de 2016. Suite à ce chagrin, j'ai entrepris un voyage que je n'aurais jamais pu prévoir. Au lieu de sombrer dans le désespoir, j'ai emprunté un chemin radicalement différent. Après une courte période de réflexion, j'ai décidé de quitter Londres. J'ai fait mes valises, enfourché ma moto et je suis parti pour ce que j’espérais être un voyage éclairant autour du monde. Mon esprit d'entrepreneur était toujours là, et je m'attendais pleinement à trouver une nouvelle aventure professionnelle en cours de route, voire même un nouveau pays où m'installer.

Mais la vie, dans son imprévisibilité infinie, avait prévu quelque chose de totalement différent pour moi. Je n'aurais jamais imaginé, même dans mes rêves les plus fous, que je trouverais à nouveau l'amour—quelqu'un avec qui partager ma vie et vieillir ensemble.

Ce que j'aurais dû me rappeler, cependant, c’est que la vie est pleine de rebondissements inattendus, surtout quand on voyage avec un cœur et un esprit ouverts. Quand on se permet d’être vulnérable face au monde, de s'engager avec les gens et les expériences qui croisent notre chemin, et d'accueillir la vie avec le sourire, l'univers a tendance à nous sourire en retour.

C'est cet état d'esprit qui m'a conduit dans un petit restaurant à Cassis, près de Marseille, à peine cinq semaines après le début de mon voyage. J'étais seul, savourant un repas tranquille, quand Dalila est entrée. Elle souriait, et très vite, elle m’a invité à rejoindre son groupe d'amis. Ce simple geste a été l’étincelle qui a allumé le feu de notre histoire. La flèche de Cupidon a frappé le lendemain, bien que nous ne l'ayons pas réalisé à ce moment-là. Mais très vite, des cœurs d’amour s’échangeaient dans nos messages WhatsApp.

Un an plus tard, nous nous sommes mariés sur les plages ensoleillées de Tulum, au Mexique, avant même que j'aie terminé mon tour du monde à moto. Dalila, avec sa patience et son soutien indéfectible, était à mes côtés tout au long.

C'est au cours de cette période de ma vie que j'ai entamé le processus de devenir Français—un voyage fait de bureaucratie, de baguettes et de mélange de cultures. J'ai rempli formulaire après formulaire, fait traduire des documents, appris la langue, me suis inscrit à une liste apparemment interminable de formalités, et bien sûr, j’ai acheté ma baguette quotidienne. Pendant ce temps, je cherchais ma prochaine aventure, tentant de raviver cette étincelle entrepreneuriale. À contrecœur, j'ai dû admettre que les idées ne venaient pas comme je l'avais espéré. C’est finalement la suggestion de Dalila qui a changé le cours de ma vie professionnelle : "Pourquoi ne pas enseigner l'anglais aux étudiants en commerce ?" m’a-t-elle proposé. Et c’est ainsi qu’un nouveau chapitre a commencé.

Le chemin vers la citoyenneté française n’a pas été sans défis. Nous avons navigué dans les labyrinthes des couloirs de la Préfecture, affrontant la tâche intimidante d'obtenir un titre de séjour—et de répéter le processus chaque année. Mais nous avons persévéré, et finalement, nous avons visé l’objectif ultime : la citoyenneté française.

Plus d’un an plus tard, ce rêve est devenu réalité. Aujourd’hui, je porte fièrement ma carte d’identité française et mon passeport français, placés côte à côte avec mon passeport britannique—un rappel tangible du parcours incroyable que j'ai vécu, des profondeurs de la perte aux sommets de l'amour et du renouveau.


Still on two wheels


Still on two wheels

I am reluctant to reveal that it has been over 40 years since I first got my leg over a motocycle, but it’s true !

Apart from a moped which some people affectionately called a “Fizzie”, my first proper bike was a Suzuki TS90. Here’s a shot of me on it which has recently emerged from my late mother’s photo collection. She must have taken it shortly after I got it as it is not yet displaying the electric blue paintwork that I added to the tank.

Mark Holmes on my Suzuki TS90. Circa 1975.

Here’s another shot from the past. This Easy-Rider Chopper that I hired, almost a copy of Pete Fonda’s from the 1969 film, looked fantastic and rode well, but only in a straight line. Although bends are not tight around Las Vegas and the Nevada desert, the frame frequently grounded at junctions, producing a terrifyingly grinding sound. Starting her up in the parking lot of a diner set 4 car alarms going before my mate and I on his Harley trike made a hasty exit. Thanks for the memory of a great day Barry Rubin.

And here’s what my wheels look like today. A new Triumph Tiger Sport.

The engine is about a quarter of the size of the Rocket - going from 2,300 cc down to 660 cc. took a leap of faith - but I am really pleased with it. It’s definitely sportier, lighter and much more agile.



Gone to a new home.

It’s been an agonising four years, after riding around the world, trying to decide what to do with my Triumph Rocket X.

We tried a few mini adventures on it together around France and over the Pyrenees, but two up on a bike just didn’t get under Dalila’s skin in a way we had hoped. She just wasn’t comfortable with me in charge - can’t blame her really.

I rode it back to the UK from Lyon and showed it at a couple of motocycle events, but otherwise it hasn’t been very far. Paying for a garage and insurance in central Lyon just added to the problem.

And so, after removing the heavily scratched side panniers and top box, re-painting the exhausts and a few other bits, lowering the price I first thought of quite dramatically, I finally found someone who was happy to take on a high mileage, once around the world, Triumph Rocket X. (Numbered 190/500 for the record).

Guillaume Gsell is from just to the north of Lyon. He rode away with a big mile. I almost cried.


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Blatant self publicity for my book 'Rebirth'.

Stay positive … keep your dreams alive.

You can order ‘Rebirth’ from Amazon in many countries, but here is a link to the UK site.

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