The books
“from heartbreak to happiness”
REBIRTH by Mark Holmes
Rebirth is the story of my very personal journey around the world on the world’s largest motorcycle. In late 2016, the company that Sue and I ran for 28 years went in to administration. Eleven days after that, following a long fight with cancer, she died. I set off from London to attract attention, deliver messages to the world, and share passions. I asked the world to deliver something to me in return, but in my wildest dreams I could not have imagined how it would turn out.
People, places, sights, sounds and smells filled every day with joy. Unmade roads, breakdowns, border crossings, guns, machetes, sweat and tears, as well as illegally entering the USA, formed part of the daily challenges. But an improbable meeting, an impossible continuation, and utterly unpredictable conclusion took me from heartbreak to happiness. It led me to re-learn what I already knew to be true, that the greatest thing in life is to learn to love, and be loved in return.
If I had been told before leaving the UK that I would meet someone and fall in love, I would have suggested that unlikely. If I had been told that I could keep a relationship going and marry again, whilst still travelling, I would have dismissed that suggestion out of hand. It was a ridiculous idea. It couldn’t work ……. but it did !
Please order the book through Amazon : UK, US, Japan, Germany, France, Spain or Italy. Use search term: Rebirth Mark Holmes.
There is a modestly priced version with 30 black and white photographs. The front cover has a photo of me at Uluru / Ayres Rock.
The more expensive version has 30 colour photographs. The front cover has a photo of me alone in New Zealand.
Rebirth has been translated into French and published by Editions Douro
et tour du monde à moto
Mark HOLMES, Renaissance et tour du monde à moto : le Road Trip intérieur. (Traduction française : Frédéric Robert).
Récit autobiographique d’un voyage au tour du monde de Mark Holmes, citoyen britannique, effectué à moto, sur la plus grosse cylindrée produite de série : la Triumph Rocket X.
Après le décès de son épouse Sue, l’auteur décide de tout quitter et de faire un tour du monde à moto. Pendant le périple, il rencontra sa nouvelle (et actuelle) épouse, Dalila.
506 jours autour du monde du 1er avril 2017 au 20 août 2018.
5 Continents : Europe, Asie, Australasie, Amérique du Sud, Amérique du Nord.
36 pays : Irlande du Nord (fait partie du Royaume-Uni mais je l'inclus parce que je n'y étais jamais allé auparavant). Irlande. France. Espagne. Portugal. Andorre. Italie. Malte. Slovénie. Croatie. Bosnie. Serbie. Monténégro. Albanie. Grèce. Turquie. Iran. Dubaï. Inde. Népal. Cambodge. Malaisie. Indonésie. Nouvelle-Zélande. Australie. 41 600 kilomètres jusqu'à ce point. Chili. Argentine, Brésil. Bolivie. Pérou. Mexique. Équateur. Colombie. Canada. États-Unis.
61 000 kilomètres.,82512498.aspx