Staying positive.

I have written and spoken about the importance of staying positive in the past, as well as dealing with it in my book. It is not easy I will admit, but we must all focus on doing so to make progress in the new world dominated by Coronavirus.

Staying positive saved me from catastrophe and led me to a new life. 

All of our lives have just changed, whether we yet recognise it or not.

I suggest the first thing we do is accept the reality of the situation. A lot of people will die, possibly millions. The virus will not be beaten in weeks, but probably years. The fight will be expensive. Most of us will be poorer, living in a more difficult world, paying more taxes. 

My life experiences and pragmatism have helped me accept the new world and get on with it. That’s a positive thought and I want to share it with you.

Please stop hoping that a vaccine will be found tomorrow, and we will be allowed out of our homes and back to work the day after. It is not going to happen like that.

Remote working, restricted travel and even isolation will be with us for quite a while. Think about how you are going to deal with it. Think positively. Turn the difficulties around and find benefits. Remember that for every problem there is a solution. Some solutions are quite difficult to find at first, but they are always there.

Please support the people in your government. They were not elected to fight a war for you but that it what they are now having to do. They are listening, learning, and making decisions for all of us, as best they can. History will record their decisions, and later the results, but for now they are dealing with uncertainties. They will remain positive I am sure, but pragmatic. 

None of us who have journeyed around the world, or significant parts of it, by motorcycle, or other means, will accept that the virus will beat us. I expect that we will all want to share our positivity with you. Even if we won’t be riding anywhere for a while.

