After writing furiously about my ride around the world, as well as the book that followed, I don’t seem to have had much to say for a while. But I assure you I have been busy.
The Coronavirus pandemic has got in the way of everybody’s life of course, and normal life has ground to a halt. However, with time on my hands, I set about trying to answer a simple question. “How many people have circumnavigated the world by motorcycle”? Compiling a definitive list has proved to be a bigger task than I had anticipated but the work is almost complete. I have unearthed one fascinating story after another in the process. The list will be published soon.
Also due to be published soon is a new version of my book. “Rebirth” has been translated into French and acquired a new title: “La Parenthèse Inattendue”. It translates as ‘the unexpected interlude’. A bit clunky in English but it works well in French.
After a tortuous process I was finally able to sell my home in London. Dalila and I have now bought a new home together, in the centre of Lyon. We couldn’t be happier with it.
And in further good news, I am pleased to announce that I will be starting work as a freelance English Tutor here in Lyon. Within ambitious companies there are individuals and teams who want to improve their English communication skills. There is a real enthusiasm for doing so and a recognition that English is still the preferred universal language.
Mark Holmes, Professeur d’anglais.